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lego globe

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Joan Fowler

Registrado: 23 May 2024
Mensajes: 5

MensajePublicado: Jue May 23, 2024 4:36 am    Título del mensaje: lego globe Responder citando

And Π 's inexplicable misconceptions in that regard helped me a target toys ppreciate why Bebe reacted so strongly about the lack of empathy she encountered in EoST. I'm quite used to it, as almost no one ever gets it right when they try to assess my emotional state. Long ago, I learned that I have to expressly say that I'm chagrinned or disappointed or vexed and perplexed by some observable phenomenon on the social networks. But even having done so, Π still asserted an inexplicably incorrect character model, as if I were some chimera of his imagination.

What did the observer know and when did he know it? What did the observer report, and when did he report it? Did the observer know and report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Was anything left out or d sonic plush istorted? Was any of it paraphrased, glossed over, or taken out of context? To my mind, this cuts to the issue of Bearing Accurate Witness (and the consequences of redacting information that one would rather not have brought to light).

Clearly the mistaken action by the ad lego batmobile min touched a deeper nerve, no? Precisely so, Doug. As I understand it, Bébé posted something in EoST, whereupon some undisclosed Admin summarily deleted it and unceremoniously blocked Bébé, erroneously believing it was spam. Π said that's all he knew; he didn't even know which of 11 Admins it was. But according to Π , whoever it was did not believe it was an error to have deleted Bebe's post and to have summarily blocked her.

But, if you fall outside the collectively generated currents, you will feel the coldness of being ignored, the si lego globe lent treatment (even by your friends and family in your network) inflicted upon you for crossing some unseen social boundary, usually a taboo. In short, Facebook is slowly but surely turning its users into Attention Addicts . Any addiction of any nature usurps an individual's inner psychological energy that is needed to think , t o feel good about self and others , and to act with intergirty in the world . I believe this is a new type of addiction we are growing in ourselves, all around the world.

Ignoring someone for some socially perceived fault was encoded into law by Hammurabi who was the sixth king of the First Babylonian dynasty of the Amorite tribe, reigning from c. 1792 BC to c. 1750 BC. The Hammurabi code of laws , a collection of 282 rules, established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet the requirements of justice. The laws varied according to social class and gender , and it took a brutal approach to justice. And these codes did not die o lego brickheadz ut with the conquering of Babylon.

As near as I can tell, this one admin departed from the model that Π and the other admins would have employed. As I understand it, this lone rogue admin unilaterally determined that it was correct to summarily boot Bebe out of the EoST and does not repent of that belief. It's unclear to me how this lack of consensus among the Admins can be resolved. It may be too late for Bébé, but it means that this phenomenon is likely to recur, perhaps with a nother would-be contributor in the future.
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Registrado: 26 May 2024
Mensajes: 5

MensajePublicado: Dom May 26, 2024 10:06 pm    Título del mensaje: Responder citando

very good post.

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